This is my knife, you will notice it has an orange handle. It is a well know fact that orange is Rachel Ray's favorite color. From what I have read, the manufacturer of this knife developed that handle at the request of Rachel. The handle is called the "Gusto Grip" and is designed to keep your hands from slipping and also from getting tired. I can, with all honesty, say that it works, my hand does not get tired and it has never slipped and I use this knife daily.

What the hell is this crazy looking contraption?? It is the Furi Knife sharpener. As any cook knows, a sharp knife is absolutely essential. I figured if I was going to spend the money for a Furi knife recommended by Rachel Ray, I might as well go all the way and get the sharpener too. I am so glad I did.....it works perfectly. It keeps my knife sharp, making food prep so easy. I love this whole system. In addition to the blades shown here, it has two other blades. The one shown here is the one I use just about every third time I use the knife. One of the other blades I use about once a month and the third one I only use about once every 6 to 9 months. It is called the recovery blade. All in all, I love this knife and most of the other knives I have are collecting dust in the drawer!!
This is just a note regarding tomorrows blog......
Tomorrow night, the Food Network's competition to choose the next Food Network Star....I will be watching and will have more than one comment to make I am sure!!
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