Since I am spending the summer in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, I must confess to having several bread machine failures due to the high altitude. The other day, I noticed a package of "Bob's Red Mill" bread mix so I decided to give it a try. Couldn't be any worse than what I have been getting using my own ingredients. And it was in a grocery store in Lake Tahoe so if it sells here it must work in higher elevations. That is what I thought anyway.

I can't believe how much I loved this bread and how well it worked here. The first mix I bought was a rye mix and boy was it good. So as soon as the rye bread was gone, I made another trip to the store and got the 100% whole wheat mix. I am in past summers we have eaten only english muffins because we couldn't get bread to turn out right, well we now have the option for great bread. I AM a "Happy Camper"!!
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