Since buying the Food Saver, I have no idea how much money we have saved on food but am pretty sure it is way more than the cost of the Food Saver. It is very cost effective to buy meat in bulk and freeze in two portion packages. For example, I cut bacon in half and freeze two slices per portion. So out of a pound of bacon I get at least 6 portions. This also avoids over eating, because you only cook one portion at a time. Actually it is very time friendly too, since it only takes 5 minutes to thaw in a container of hot water.
Meat isn't the only food I portion out with the Food Saver. I like a rice blend that I get at Trader Joe's. Since it is a blend with brown rice, it take 50 minutes to cook, so I cook the whole bag at once. That way I can "Food Saver" the cooked rice blend in one cup servings which only take about 5 to minutes to thaw and have rice very quickly. What a time saver that is!! I also like to clean the whole bunch of celery and "Food Saver" it is individual portions so I can take it in my lunch to work. It stays fresher longer that way and I get celery to munch on during my breaks at work.
You can use the Food Saver for anything you want to seal in a vacummned bag, it is very convienent. It can also help you save!!

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